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Model objects

The main interface for dealing with TERRA models is the TerraModel class which represents an instance in time within a TERRA simulation.


The terra_model module within terratools contains all the functionality related to using TerraModels. Load it with from terratools import terra_model.

Reading NetCDF files

terratools defines a NetCDF file format, which can be read using terra_model.read_netcdf.

terra_model.read_netcdf will read these and return a TerraModel object.


The TerraModel class holds the information about a mantle convection simulation at a single time snapshot. More details about TerraModels can be found in the class docstring.

At a minimum, a TerraModel instance will usually contain information about: - the temperature field \(T\) at all points (called "t" within terratools); and - the flow field \(u\) at all points (called "u_xyz" if in the global Cartesian reference frame).


Depending on the contents of the model file, it may contain some of the following fields:

  • Scalar fields:
  • "t": Temperature field [K]
  • "c": Scalar composition field [unitless]
  • "p": Pressure field [GPa]
  • "vp": P-wave velocity (elastic) [km/s]
  • "vs": S-wave velocity (elastic) [km/s]
  • "vphi": Bulk sound velocity (elastic) [km/s]
  • "vp_an": P-wave velocity (anelastic) [km/s]
  • "vs_an": S-wave velocity (anelastic) [km/s]
  • "vphi_an": Bulk sound velocity (anelastic) [km/s]
  • "density": Density [g/cm^3]
  • "qp": P-wave quality factor [unitless]
  • "qs": S-wave quality factor [unitless]
  • "visc": Viscosity [Pa s]
  • Vector fields:
  • "u_xyz": Flow field in Cartesian coordinates (three components) [m/s]
  • "u_enu": Flow field in local geographic coordinates (three components) [m/s]
  • "c_hist": Composition histogram [unitles]

Field coordinates

All fields are defined in space by two indices:

  • The first index gives the layer number, starting from 0 at the lowest part of the model. Layer radii can be given using terra_model.TerraModel.get_radii. For a model m, the ith layer is therfore at radius m.get_radii()[i].
  • The second index gives the lateral (global geographic) position on the unit sphere of the point. terra_model.TerraModel.get_lateral_points returns a tuple of lon, lat, where lon and lat are both the global geographic coordinates of each lateral point. Therefore the coordinates of the jth lateral point for model m are given by
lon, lat = m.get_lateral_points()
lon[j], lat[j]

In this way, what is really a 3D field of positions is represented as only a 2D array of values.

Scalar fields are 2D arrays, whose first index is that of the layer, and the second is that of the lateral point. So to get the value of the temperature \(T\) at the bottom layer (index 0) and the last lateral point for model m, you would do m.get_field("t")[0,-1].

Vector fields are 3D arrays. Their first two indices are the same as for scalar fields, but the final index gives the component of the field at that position. For example, to get the radial components of flow (local up) for the 10th layer, do m.get_field("u_enu")[9,:,2], noting that the 'up' component is at the third index of the last dimension.

The fields returned by get_field are what is stored inside the TerraModel and editing the arrays (in fact NumPy arrays) will update the model.

Fields can be created or replaced with m.new_field and m.set_field, and the fields currently present in a model can be found with m.field_names.

Field evaluation

One of the most common requirements of a TerraModel m is to find out what the value of some field is at an arbitrary point within the model. This is done with m.evaluate. Evaluation can be done by finding the nearest neighbour to the point of interest, or using interpolation.


Fields can be plotted in various ways:

Spherical harmonics

Spherical harmonics can be analysed for fields with the m.calc_spherical_harmonics function. These can then be retrieved using m.get_spherical_harmonics.


TerraModelLayer is a subclass of the TerraModel class. This holds the information about a single layer in a simulation, typically something at the surface, such as radial stresses, or at the lowermost layer, such as CMB heat flux. The TerraModelLayer class has all of the functionality of the TerraModel class except for the add_adiabat, get_1d_profile, and plot_section methods which, if called, will cause an exception to be raised.

To read in Terra Layer files to a TerraModelLayer object simply pass their paths into terra_model.read_netcdf, as you would to create andTerraModel object, and terratools will recognise that they are for a single layer.